Author: MGSN
Pursuant to New York Lien Law Article 3-A, all funds received by a contractor for a construction project, or by an owner under a construction loan, constitute trust finds. The recipient owner/contractor, as trustee, must pay the contractors downstream who have earned those funds, before diverting the funds for any other purpose. Any application of trust assets for a purpose other than the construction costs specified under New York Lien Law § 71 is deemed an unlawful diversion of trust assets, a larceny, that also pierces the corporate veil. This is an extremely powerful law that every owner/contractor should consider…
By Foo Yun Chee BRUSSELS (Reuters) – EU draft rules aimed at staving off spats over patents essential to key technologies for telecoms equipment and connected cars appear to put the onus and cost on patent owners, which could undermine Europe’s leadership in such areas, Nokia said. The comments from … Read More
There is evidence to suggest that companies with strong ethical compliance programs and a commitment to legal and regulatory compliance may be more economically viable in the long term. This is because these companies are less likely to face costly legal or regulatory issues, which can negatively impact their bottom line and reputation.Strong ethical compliance programs can also help to promote a culture of transparency and accountability within a company, which can improve employee morale and retention, as well as customer loyalty and trust. This can lead to increased productivity, efficiency, and profitability over time. MGSN Legal #ETHICALCOMPLIANCE is good…
Entrepreneurs provide most employees with their livelihood. Most employees do not work for large companies. They work in companies in the Small and Median size (SME) sector. The Entrepreneurs that build the SME companies not only contribute to the economic growth to society by creating jobs but also by contributing derivative income.The employment that entrepreneurs create allows the employees to rent apartments or buy homers, invest, shop for food and varied consumer-based products and take vacations.Entrepreneurs are by definition risk-takers. The failing rate for new business ventures is quite high. However, an Entrepreneur can hedge its bet by qualifying it…
QBITS allows the ability to gather, store, analyze and execute large bodies of complex data. The QBITS are the center of the next revolution that will have a profound change on global commerce and societal interaction. Quantum computing (QC) is a type of computing that uses the principles of quantum physics to process information. Traditional computers use bits, which are either 0 or 1, to store and process information. In contrast, quantum computers use quantum bits, or qubits, which can be 0, 1, or a combination of both at the same time.This allows quantum computers to solve certain problems much faster…
Read Part One of MGSN Global Opportunities: “NGO” “NFP” SIX LETTERS TO GROWTH.Detroit is a city that government and big business abandoned. Detroit was the engine of the American Dream.The world watched as Detroit became the “silicon valley” of intense change that pushed the horse and buggies to the pages of historic nostalgia. The innovation of the automobile made Detroit the center of innovation and symbol of a generation on the move. The transformation of Detroit from a small Midwestern City to an energetic city of 1.5 million citizens was breathtaking. The drive of the motor led to the emergence…
Welcome to the launch of the MGSN Global Opportunities series. In these series MGSN will investigate how the Non-Government Organizations (NGO’s) and Not-For Profits (NFP’s) are providing entrepreneurial solutions to poverty. As dysfunctional governments get bogged down by cult-like dictatorship and democracies vote themselves out of functionality, the doers and innovators are changing the world. MGSN presents the new business news for the new generation that is looking to bring new solutions to business as usual. The NGO NFP SIX LETTERS TO GROWTH series will celebrate the achievements of the social entrepreneurs that are developing communities and generating billions in new businesses and growth…
“Unlike to analogy to the Hospitality Structure, Tech employees are more likely to jump from Intrapreneurship to Entrepreneurship. Admonition to Tech, today’s layoff is tomorrow competitor.” – Read Part 1The loss of Intrapreneurial development within Big Tech with the massive layoffs is an opportunity to liberate innovation. Although a certain amount of comfort exists within the confines of large entities, many Intrapreneurs’ creativity is also confined to the business models of their employers. The layoff has a certain shock and sense of betrayal/malaise that will affect the talents creativity and confidence. Anger will recede, as Entrepreneurs will attest to the…
On Monday, President Joe Biden announced the application for his student loan debt relief program is now officially live.The administration published a beta version of the application last Friday. Since its launch, more than 8 million borrowers have already applied for debt relief.”It’s easy. It’s fast,” Biden said in a recent press conference announcing the launch.The application process takes less than 5 minutes to complete and can be done on desktop or phone.”This is a game changer for millions of Americans to get moving.” Biden’s plan cancels up to $10,000 in debt for those earning less than $125,000 per year and up…