Author: MGSN

The African Football League(AFL) debuted with an impact schedule of the top clubs across the continent. Link: African Football League(AFL)  Questions have been raised as to the need for the new competition. The Champion League format has taken root and is ripe for development. But the AFL has a societal goal that resonates beyond football. Keep African talent in Africa. One of the driving goals of the AfCFTA is to keep resources and the globe’s largest young population in the continent. Link: AfCFTA The brain drain from African countries benefits the host countries in Asia Europe and North America but…

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Although the Entrepreneurs have read and heard this mantra over and over again, once the euphoria of the launch is over the reality of the cash burn, competitive space and lack of traction creates that first cold sweat. One way to avoid the honeymoon crash is to bring in a Digital Development & Marketing Company once you start building out your Startup. There are many talented Digital Web Development Firms in the marketplace. These companies will develop the infrastructure you will need to create a website-based business or a web-based business platform that interfaces with a brick and mortar business.…

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Conflicts, deleterious impacts on human  development, and  disparate economic growth has increased as oil stocks have decreased. The water crisis that is developing across the globe poses a greater risk to societies as water is a daily need for life. “Around 2 billion people around the world do not have access to clean and safe drinking water, and approximately 3.6 billion people – 46% of the world’s population – lack adequate sanitation services.” Compounding the historic clean water issue is the relatively recent phenomenon of water scarcity. The global reduction of fresh water stocks has created a water crisis.According to…

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TOO BIG TO FAIL is no longer a measure of viability. Having you ability to pay rent in the hands of some big corporate board with no names is not viable for a Generation that is disrupting the “BUSINESS AS USUAL” model. According to a study by Side Hustle Nation, 70% of Gen Z and 64% of Millennials search for topics related to side hustles. This trend is likely due to several factors, including the rising cost of living, the desire for more flexibility and control over one’s work-life balance, and the increasing opportunities to make money online. In terms…

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This article is part of the MGSN Global Opportunities series. MGSN is covering the entrepreneurial solution to the generational debt crisis. In Part One of the two part series “NEW CURRENCIES FOR A NEW GENERATION”  MGSN documented a global debt crisis that threatened the economic viability of the next generation. As regional banks are being acquired by large “too big to fail” banks, the ability to obtain financing for Millennials and Gen Z will be challenged. However as documented in Part One of this article, the big traditional banks ignored the vast informal economy across the African continent and Tech provides the means for…

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This article is part of the MGSN Global Opportunities series.The NY Fed recently released two reports which underscore the ramifications of educational debt. Millennial are starting to sink under debt loads that commenced the minute they received their diploma.” Total debt balances grew by $394 billion in the fourth quarter of 2022, the largest nominal quarterly increase in twenty years, according to the latest Quarterly Report on Household Debt and Credit from the New York Fed’s Center for Microeconomic Data” The report identifies trends of late debt payments on varied loan products by younger creditors. The upward trends of default in the New York…

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Governments and large entity corporations have a duty to citizens to prevent harm in discharging their respective job duties. Climate change litigation refers to legal actions taken by individuals, groups, or organizations against governments, companies, or other entities for their alleged contribution to or failure to address climate change. In recent years, climate change litigation has become increasingly common in the EU, as individuals and groups seek to hold governments and companies accountable for their impact on the environment. One notable recent development in climate change litigation in the EU is the landmark decision by the Dutch Supreme Court in…

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Name, image, and likeness (NIL) refers to the right of an individual to control the commercial use of their name, image, and other personal attributes. This includes the right to allow or prohibit others from using their name or image in advertising, endorsements, or other commercial ventures. Monetizing one’s name, image, and likeness (NIL) refers to the practice of earning revenue or other benefits from the commercial use of one’s identity. In recent years, this has become a hot topic in the world of sports and entertainment, as athletes, celebrities, and other public figures seek to capitalize on their personal…

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