Author: Carolina Zamora
Mia Monzidelis came up with the idea for a rideable plush horse when she was five; now 13, her thriving business Power Pony proves no one is ever to young to chase their dreams.Read More
Eureka Capital Corp. (TSXV: EBCD.P) (“Eureka”) a capital pool company as defined under Policy 2.4 – Capital Pool Companies of the TSX Venture Exchange (the “Exchange”) is announcing that, further to its previous news release dated August 23, 2024 (the “August News Release”) in which it announced that it had entered into a business combination agreement (the “Definitive Agreement”) with Empire Hydrogen Energy Systems Inc. (“Empire”), whereby Eureka’s wholly-owned subsidiary, 16299440 Canada Inc.,Read More
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Its quarterly report shows ad sales, membership income and its third-party marketplace expanded. Their margins may help keep store prices low.Read More
The Trump administration’s tariffs on goods imported from China have left businesses wondering if they should move their supply chains elsewhere.Read More
Starting Feb. 25, businesses across Bellevue, Covington, Dayton, Fort Thomas and Newport will partake in themed specials over the next three weeks.Read More
Louisiana Central invited entrepreneurs from across Cenla to participate in the LED’s CEO roundtable.Read More
A rare 1983 business card signed by Apple’s late co-founder Steve Jobs just sold for a stupefying $83,000. It’s not even the most expensive Jobs business card ever.Read More
Bailey Builds began over a decade ago when Anna Bailey began creating art out of scrapped wood in her garage.Read More
Two people were shot inside a business Thursday on South Western Avenue on the South Side, Chicago police said.Read More