The production and distribution of energy stocks are governed by regulations and legal obligations. As carbon emissions are increasingly coming under the scope of restricted regulations and climate litigation, energy producers and consumers are seeking innovative and cost-effective development of energy stocks that will comport with the growing body of law.
Tech Entrepreneurs are coming to the rescue. Renewable Natural Gas (RNG) is pipeline-ready gas that can be distributed through existing infrastructure.
Sourcing RNG is an issue. However, Chemical and Mechanical Engineers have been collaborating with Energy Developers and consumers to improve Anaerobic Digestion, which converts biological waste into RNG. The tech has been around for decades. Limited production for distributed generation in farms and on-site municipal wastewater treatment plants was the main goal of the early generation of this tech.
However, the tech and the engineering are developing to bring this RNG into pipeline line production and mass distribution.
The resources that create RNG are called substrates. Chemical engineering of biological waste will enhance the methane level of the substrates needed to produce the gas. The digesters can be designed to shorten the RNG production time.
The most exciting development of the process is the morphing of the byproduct of the process, called digestate into an additional clean energy source. Engineering can turn the watery byproduct into an enriched material called Hydrochar. By applying hydrothermal carbonization(HTC), a controlled heating methodology to the digestrate the converted Hydrochar is available for several functional applications.
Entrepreneurs are pushing Concept Generation applications of the Hydrchar as a co-composter, solution for soil remediation, and a truly green brick and log product. The potential of the next generation of green brick and log would have the derivative effect of preserving trees.
The ability to abate waste and produce energy is a solution that should be supported.
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