The general rule of thumb is that most family-owned businesses do not make it past the third generation.
However, there are exceptions to this rule.
Singapore Management University(SMU) provided an insightful article based on a study of family businesses that failed or succeeded past the 3rd generation rule. One interesting observation is that decoupling management from ownership tends to favor survival rates. The ability to relate 3rd generation owners to educational opportunities is also a factor that SMU identified as a survival metric.
MGSN has been covering intrapreneur corporate platforms as a means to retain talent and build opportunities for corporate growth.
Link: Want to Grow Your Business? Get the new motor out of Motor City
Intrapreneur opportunities is a tool that family-owned businesses should deploy with the second generation. The data such a platform produces will allow the business to build viable feasibility studies designed to drive the company to fiscal resilience and the opportunity to beat the odds